• 2/18-2/23格外農品日本出差暫停出貨,2/24起恢復正常!


[00:00 - 00:15] 所以平常你都是在這邊辦公 對 我是走路上來走路下來 喔 原來這樣 那通常在這邊都會處理什麼樣的公務 視訊是最常在這邊的 視訊 因為這邊有一個白牆嘛 比較容易聚會然後大概一大早 

[00:15 - 00:30] 大概就是南美洲 然後剛完的時候會來這邊跟 歐洲跟非洲視訊 哇 好酷喔 國際舞台 對 一個Time Zone 我後來就開始去了 對 很多人問我說什麼 try non-drop frame是什麼意思 因為那個Frame 對對對他只有幾百 

[00:30 - 00:45] 因為他只能non-drop frame才 OK 那我們今天想說我們的邀請 會一起跟我們開箱設計的產品 那我們待會先一起講 然後我們開始 OK 好 好 我覺得就是唐鳳在網路上面的影片 

[00:45 - 01:05] 如果有十支的話 有五支裡面會出現這個 天后門檻 對 我待會也用不到 那我沒有做 所以我現在趁這個時候 我來做一下 好 那我坐下來 來 一個 一個 沒有 就是 一個美好教室你會不會看自己看的很煩 

[01:05 - 01:21] 還好 我不會很煩 真的嗎 就是每個人都要用一個梗這樣子 很動聽 沒有問題 對 然後我還有在網路上面看Tutorial 也有看教學影片 對 我有看教學影片 Tutorial OrigamiOrigami 

[01:21 - 01:36] 就是感覺好像 應該不會很難吧 就是弄成一個超空的感覺 對 這個很燙 很軟 好 怎麼辦 然後符合頭型這樣子對 

[01:36 - 01:53] 那你要黏起來 不用 我是剛開始的時候很容易抓 對 黏住 稍微抓一下 然後束起來 然後 再把上面合起來還有重點是那個 

[01:53 - 02:09] 要扣住 對 其實它這個座的話 好像聽說是 如果下面有墊一個碗的話 會最好 會比較有用 會比較有一個用法 等一下 等一下就變一個Temple的Cup可是我也是用這個耶 

[02:09 - 02:25] 不是 不是在這個面上 你看 你怎麼把它當成底座 為什麼 你那裡做了一個一球 會嗎 會嗎 我看了OK嗎 

[02:25 - 02:40] OK嗎 可以嗎 可以嗎 可以啊 可以不錯不錯 這樣怎麼能擋住腦波啊 你的腦袋都露在外面了 這也沒有到那種傳統文化的風格 有點像那種猶太帽 小帽子太小了 

[02:40 - 02:56] 小帽子 太小了 我再製作一個 傻眼 我再做一個大一點的 我頭比較大 來我幫你 大家現在不要覺得我在浪費國家資源 

[02:56 - 03:12] 他們前面都還在架設攝影機 所以本來就要 我們是抽空 對 抽空 對 融於時間 OK嗎 好 就是這樣子蠻高的 

[03:14 - 03:29] 好 那你不要折太多 這個比較小 對對對 有耶有耶 你以為我們有錢 了解了解 可以做寶寶 沒錯沒錯 生活啊你要先收著要先真的生活 

[03:30 - 03:46] 這邊 這邊有東西 好 你這個進步很多了 有 我們這邊 網路上沒有影片是 跟著唐鳳一起做這個 真的 是不是 得到唐鳳 Approved 的 沒錯 對的確可以抵擋的 

[03:46 - 04:01] OK OK 待會有問題 那你等一下 直接自己馬上測試 對啊 我覺得折得蠻好 光線啊 彩色很好 欸 結果 我自己的方式 因為我這個折法是網路上看的 對啊 就自己這樣設計反而比較好 

[04:01 - 04:17] 所以大家現在就要看折法 你口子太小 傻眼 再往下再把它 再轉一轉 對 這樣OK 這樣很好 OK OK 可以嗎 可以可以 好 這個就是 我們待會拍攝的 優質 道具 OK 優質的禮物 做好了好 

[04:17 - 04:33] 所以這支影片就這樣 對 OK 那我們 掰掰 掰掰 好 那我們現在來到拍攝空間 沒錯 待會就是要來開箱 我們五個產品了 那我們準備好的話 我們就開始用英文開始囉 

[04:33 - 04:49] 我覺得跟小朋友講英文 真的會有一些一些 有一些壓力 對 因為看過你很多的 專訪跟講英文的時候 是 所講的那個語速 我們今天是順便來測試一下 我們可不可以跟得上你的語速這樣 對 沒關係 我就把速度放慢你這邊你這麼貼心喔 

[04:49 - 05:21] 謝謝 好 那我們就開始囉我們也要說 

[05:21 - 05:38] 它是有社會的目的 目的跟利益是兩個底線 而且它也需要是持續性的 也就是保護環境 所以它也有環境的底線 所以社會 環境 經濟三個底線 

[05:38 - 05:54] 就是社會企業的定義 所以這樣的企業 可以賺到利益 同時也要照顧環境 也要解決社會問題 聽起來他們是在非常嚴謹的 他們是在非常嚴謹的 怎麼說我在想的是關稅 

[05:54 - 06:10] 但那不是正確的詞語 他們是在嚴謹的 他們是在嚴謹的政策 對 他們是在嚴謹的政策 對 所以我覺得他們是在嚴謹的政策 而且他們是很難 去處理三個底線的對 我覺得這很難 

[06:10 - 06:26] 對 沒錯 所以這就是為何 影響力基礎的創新是很重要的 因為在台灣 我們是一個非常善良的團體 如果有一個群眾投資的運動 人們可以說如果你給我這麼多錢 

[06:26 - 06:43] 也許你不會馬上賺回 但這會造成更多的社會影響 或環境的正面影響 相比起你只要捐錢 去一個慈善活動 對 所以現有的慈善活動也在用這個影響力基礎的東西 

[06:43 - 07:01] 所以他們可以和公眾說 我們一直在捐錢 但我們也有產品和服務 如果你和我們一起投資產品和服務 我們可以讓這個社會意義 這個環境意義 更加廣泛這也有助於非營利行業 

[07:01 - 07:17] 將他們的意義轉為產品和服務 這兩方面都有效 所以這不只是基於人民的善意 而是一個正確的商業模式 讓它在未來可以發揮影響到他們想要看到的改變 

[07:17 - 07:35] 我還沒講那個 你講那個 你上網看到的標題 你上網看到的標題 每次你購買 你都想要活在這個世界我剛才聽到的 

[07:35 - 07:50] 這讓我想起我上網看到的標題 它是在形成你想要活在的世界 這正確 客戶、製造商、投資者等等 所有都是我們一起做的所以我相信 

[07:50 - 08:06] 我們可以在這個世界 我們可以在這個世界 我們可以在這個世界 我們可以在這個世界 我們可以在這個世界 我們可以在這個世界 我們可以在這個世界我們可以在這個世界 

[08:37 - 08:53] 沒有差不多了 只是沒有講DBS而已 這個我們可以後面再來講 哪一個? DBS所以啊 

[08:53 - 09:09] 所以啊 所以啊 I think so I think so I think so I think so ButBut based on your description 

[09:09 - 09:25] But based on your description If they have so many bottom lines It seems to me If it's just purely doing business They might have an easier time While the rest of us have a harder time Because of negative externalities. But if it's in this pattern of thinking 

[09:25 - 09:41] But if it's in this pattern of thinking Wouldn't social enterprises run into more difficulties Wouldn't social enterprises run into more difficulties When they're trying to be sustainable That's why in this social innovation survey That's why in this social innovation survey Done by DBS among other peopleThey surveyed a lot of people in Taiwan 

[09:41 - 09:57] They surveyed a lot of people in Taiwan Asking them, okay, so would you agree That a business should be Having more social purpose in their bottom line And more than three quarters of them agreed And more than three quarters of them agreed And then a majority of peopleOver 50% said 

[09:57 - 10:14] They're willing to specifically Like with everything else being equivalent To choose the products That deliver environmental and social benefits In addition to the quality of the product or services In addition to the quality of the product or services So it all relies, as you said, on the customersSo it all relies, as you said, on the customers 

[10:14 - 10:30] If we intentionally choose the brands If we intentionally choose the brands That we engage with and demand accountability Like are you creating a negative or positive Environmental footprint and so on Then more of them will be prompted To become more social enterprisesBut if we make no such choices 

[10:30 - 10:46] And rely on the price alone Then of course it will create difficulties For the social entrepreneurs So it's a general awareness of the people So that we are choosing the future So that we are choosing the future That we wantThat we want 

[10:46 - 11:02] That we want to live in We're choosing the future of the format of companies Of products, of goods and services Exactly Got it, wow, alright We just talked for a little bit This is a very easy interviewBecause we don't have to talk much 

[11:02 - 11:18] We don't have to say anything, we just input, input, input Make the most of the content That's right Alright, so after our So after our brief talk about social enterprises Let's now jump right into the five products That we will be unboxing and reviewing todayThat we will be unboxing and reviewing today 

[11:18 - 11:35] OK, then you can cut one You can put it in front of us OK Then my little super will first 先讓路一下 OK,這個就先放到 反正攝影機退不到的地方就好了OK,好嘞

[11:35 - 11:51] 後面這個是要 後面這個是要 可以試試看 可以試試看 好 哇看起來很厲害的包裝  

[11:51 - 12:07] 看起來很厲害的包裝 哇 哇 有些是有東西,有些是空的 有些是有東西,有些是空的不是空的

[12:07 - 12:23] 不是空的 好 OK 就是因為這邊有三個不同的設計 所以看是不是可以沒有問題,當然的 

[12:23 - 12:39] 沒有問題,當然的 DBS的logo怎麼轉都一樣 DBS的logo怎麼轉都一樣 DBS的logo怎麼轉都一樣 DBS的logo怎麼轉都一樣 DBS的logo怎麼轉都一樣 DBS的logo怎麼轉都一樣對,有對稱 

[12:39 - 12:55] 對,OK,好 可以那我們就往這邊點點 那第一首做Rubik's Cube 那第一首做Rubik's Cube 魔術方塊 好,來 好,來喔,先準備5,4,3,2那你開始 

[12:55 - 13:12] 你說blind boxes OK,so in front of us are 5 blind boxes OK,so in front of us are 5 blind boxes and inside each of them is one product from one social enterprise and inside each of them is one product from one social enterprise so today we'll be just unboxing so today we'll be just unboxingI believe they all have a specific tagline to describe them 

[13:12 - 13:28] I believe they all have a specific tagline to describe them I believe they all have a specific tagline to describe them Oh,so you mean on the box So there are 5 special statements to describe these products So there are 5 special statements to describe these products So let's just go ahead and open one up So let's just go ahead and open one upand see what's inside 

[13:28 - 13:44] The first one 讓醜小鴨也能被公平對待 讓醜小鴨也能被公平對待So this is Fair treatment of ugly ducklings Oh,it's a jam 格外農品Let's take a little look at 

[13:44 - 14:00] Let's take a little look at the intro and see what impact the intro and see what impact it's trying to bring about So here it says that 10-15% of farm produce because it doesn't haveIt's out of spec 

[14:00 - 14:16] Yeah,because it's out of spec Because it doesn't Well,can we say that? It doesn't look pretty It doesn't look pretty Compared to the other fruits and vegetables So they're takingSo instead of wasting 

[14:16 - 14:32] But it tastes really good The taste is not affected It's not affected by the appearance So instead of wasting them So instead of wasting them They're taking that fruit or produce and making them into jams They're taking that fruit or produce and making them into jamsSo this is 

[14:32 - 14:49] So they're trying to So I feel like the impact they're trying to bring about It's mainly not to waste any produce Like zero waste Because if you just look at this bottle You wouldn't know that Originally it was some fruit that is not as prettyIt's still very pretty 

[14:49 - 15:07] Except it says on the label though Except it says on the label though It does say on the label So that's the brand So that's the brand So that's our first one So that's our first one這個會是保護 

[15:07 - 15:23] 還是你 OK 不過你別的東西會壓不住 可能只有它可以壓得住 OK Let's do the second number Let's do the secondAnd this is really light 

[15:23 - 15:39] There's nothing inside It's almost empty But not It's really lightweight It's a toothbrush Maybe like an eco-friendly toothbrush That's made ofI don't know, natural bamboo 

[15:39 - 15:55] It's called a good day It's called a good day 好日子 So here it says that They're trying to reduce plastic waste So the Most amount of plastic waste actually comes fromOur toothbrushes that we use every single day 

[15:55 - 16:11] And by using bamboo And plant-based bristles They are reducing the waste From our everyday products OK So no plastic waste anymore I would be interested in this oneBecause it's a very 

[16:11 - 16:27] Easy way to reduce plastic waste Yes, it's Everyday life, like every morning, every night You brush your teeth and you're actually reducing plastic Exactly It's little steps, baby steps But at least you're doing somethingThat's right, it's circular economy right here 

[16:27 - 16:44] Pretty good OK OK And And going on to the third one OK, pretty heavy as well Let's seeOh, it's 

[16:44 - 17:00] What's that? Dish washing liquid OK Tea seed dish washing liquid Wow, the package is really good Yes, very nicely designed It's, it looks likeIt's just another regular product 

[17:00 - 17:16] I think this is the charm of Social enterprise products Because it looks and feels And maybe costs around about as much As regular products It has a great story to tell you Right, kind of, there's a purposeSo this is actually, this detergent 

[17:16 - 17:32] Is actually Extracted from tea seed oil And it's a natural detergent So it allows you to clean your dishes Properly What's the problem that it's trying to solve Because this can be from anythingExactly 

[17:32 - 17:48] It says that Originally it says that The owner wanted to protect His wife No, not that one No, not that one Probably this one, yeahOh, OK 

[17:48 - 18:04] So it's to revitalize The economy So the original agenda Of this enterprise is to Rejuvenate their community Because a lot of tea seed Industry people areNo, I don't know what else to say 

[18:04 - 18:20] Yeah, they're going off to do other things Yeah, they're going off to do other Yeah, because people do not Generally recognize tea seeds As viable, as a detergent anymore People have switched to use more Chemical detergents and so onAnd so basically by reminding people 

[18:20 - 18:37] That this actually works So they're trying to make sure That people who are used to this Like hundreds of years of traditions Can find apprentices Can continue their cultures In that particular countyAnd because of that 

[18:37 - 18:53] It can revitalize the local economy Rather than just having it dissipate And disappear I think preserving the culture Is a big hit here Because without the money coming in Buying these productsThere's no flow of economy 

[18:53 - 19:09] There won't be young apprentices coming in And learning all the practices And the traditions from maybe The last generation That's right, yeah So it's more of a culture thing And also about place makingYeah, okay 

[19:09 - 19:53] All right剛剛你開了嗎 

[19:53 - 20:09] 我幫你好了 This one Okay, soy milk I know I know this brand You know this brand This is from I think甘樂文創 

[20:09 - 20:25] That's right It's a brand created by甘樂文創 Called 禾乃川 I interviewed the founder Two years ago If I remember correctly They're trying to reviveThe Sanxia community 

[20:25 - 20:41] Because they need The kids there need a place to stay After school And the young people there need work So they're creating job opportunities By making quality product Quality soy milkSo it's another place making effort 

[20:41 - 20:58] Yeah 我們看中國 Cool I highly recommend this soy milk Because I really love soy milk Have you had it Yeah, yeahLast time I went 

[20:58 - 21:14] They treated me to two big bottles I finished it within three or four days It's really good It's thick and creamier than regular soy milk Are you going to drink it on camera Camera? Right now? YeahAre we allowed to drink it 

[21:14 - 21:30] Of course, why not The bottle is so cute It's ice too They produce it in bigger bottles Last time they gave me big bottles I think it's also a tourism factory So we can actually go thereAnd see it being made 

[21:30 - 21:46] It's really good You won't like it because there's no sugar It's no sugar, no salt No sugar, right on the brand I thought For our last piece Last piece OhI know this 

[21:46 - 22:02] It's from Shei Ru Fang So actually My bubble tea shop Also uses this milk All of our milk is from Shei Ru Fang And why do you use this shopI think their social 

[22:02 - 22:19] Their purpose is really good This enterprise they are Special for having Professional animal doctors On all the ranches So this This social enterprise is specialFor having professional animal doctors 

[22:19 - 22:35] On their ranches So their cows are really taken care of All they want is for their cows to be happy That's their sole purpose To have happy cows And then to have high quality And good milkSo by making good 

[22:35 - 22:51] By making good milk They make their customers feel safe About the product they are using And that creates a really healthy cycle So they produce healthy And good milk And that helps the enterprise to continue on the missionThat's awesome 

[22:51 - 23:07] How much are they paying you to say this Is it because they are your supplier You spent like 10 times You spent 10 times the amount of time Talking about this milk compared to the rest of the product No it's because I know this product So why not use the advantageAnd you know promote them a little bit 

[23:07 - 23:23] And do you like the flavor It's like tasting We have our own This is good I have my own flavor So maybe Eat it rawIt's a great taste right there 

[23:23 - 23:39] Great taste Ok It's good It's awesome So a lot of the work that DBS And my office has been working on Is just to making sure the social enterprise productsAre not a one off thing 

[23:39 - 23:55] So instead of just hearing about it Trying once and then forgetting about it We are trying to convince business owners Such as you To integrate their supply chain With social enterprises So that this purchase will be ongoingAnd also it gives people more opportunity 

[23:55 - 24:12] To learn about their purposes Through this video as well We are learning about five great products That can be reused, rebought And just basically brought into your life Exactly right Ok so let's put them in orderOk 

[24:12 - 24:28] Alright Ok So for the final bit We are going to go into our competition What's the competition The competition is Oh you didn't know about thisNo idea, completely no idea 

[24:28 - 24:44] So we have five products And we just read their intros And talked about them a little bit Now we are going to draw from a lottery box Ok And whatever we draw We will have 10 seconds to prepareAnd 20 seconds to speak 

[24:44 - 25:00] We have to fit in as many English words Into that 20 second time frame as possible Ok And we will compete to see Who can speak English In the shortest amount of time Who can speak the most English in the shortest amount of timeOk I had no idea 

[25:00 - 25:16] I am happy to be the referee No no no The whole point of this video is us against you I see I see Ok ok Alright let's get started So let's draw the lotsOk 

[25:16 - 25:33] Maybe you can go first Ok This one So just three out of five Ok Wait wait wait hold on That's to be fairWe can only prepare for 10 seconds 

[25:33 - 25:49] And then speak for 20 seconds So when it's our turn Yeah when it's your turn open it up Ok ok So who should go first I have no idea Maybe I shouldYeah of course why not 

[25:49 - 26:05] Ok so who will count to 10 for me Oh wait we have to have a timer And should we record it down Yeah we will record Whatever you say And then we will After we type it outWe will count the words 

[26:05 - 26:21] How many words you said I might need a computer So the idea is that I take this And I choose the product corresponding to it And I read about it for like 10 seconds And then I talk to the camera for 20 Talk to the cameraOk ok sure 

[26:21 - 26:37] So whichever one it is You don't necessarily have to read Everything You just describe Ok ok Sure why not I need a computerHelp 

[26:43 - 26:59] You can't look at it for a second No it's fine Can I look at it for a second No no of course you can't No it's fine你們這裡面是寫 

[26:59 - 27:29] 它的品項 品項 兩個都有寫ok ok我們先錄下來等一下再打 

[27:29 - 27:45] 好啊 對 我們先錄下來等一下 那我們可以先錄 電腦不會錄進 對我是要在鏡外打 然後算ok I see 

[27:47 - 28:04] ok那我們其實可以先錄 對啊反正會錄下來 你打字的時候重播就好了 對我這邊會錄下來 我揪開ok 

[28:04 - 28:24] Let's see So this is about the out of spec 格外農品 And I get to read about this for 10 seconds Ok Let me know when the time's upOk 

[28:24 - 28:40] Ok 所以你先歸零的時候 然後 你要用倒數的那個不是用碼表的那個 對 倒數20秒 Ok so3 2 1 

[28:54 - 29:10] Ok 那我們 都先錄完好了 我們都先錄完之後 然後再 Ok next 我們來看這個 

[29:10 - 29:26] 這個 這個 這個 這個 這個 這個 Ok nextSee 

[29:26 - 29:42] I'm so nervous I didn't sign up for this No I didn't Originally it was only the two of you But then He had to drag me down OkOh 

[29:42 - 30:00] Hey my favorite Your thing it's your thing You get to read about it 10秒 UmTime's up 

[30:00 - 30:16] Ok 20秒 等一下喔 Ok No no no no I need to Ok3 2 1 

[30:16 - 30:33] Ok so this is a product From the social enterprise And it's main goal is to produce Good milk Um Wait What's so special about them is thatThey have professional animal doctors on site 

[30:33 - 30:49] Overlooking the production of milk And the health of the cows No No You had a really big pause In between I was trying to figure out my priorityOk 

[30:49 - 31:05] Next It's me Let's see what I got Soy milk Soy milk It's exactly what we had today That's crazyThis is not set up at all 

[31:05 - 31:21] We did not set it up Just like Yi Fang Juan This is completely fair Ok 3 2 1 AlrightTime's up 

[31:21 - 31:37] Ok Alright Wait hold on Ok ok ok 3 2 1 Alright I love soy milkThis soy milk tastes so good 

[31:37 - 31:53] It's thicker and creamier than regular soy milk On the market And there's a story behind the people That's working on this project They are trying to rejuvenate their community By bringing in more job opportunities And trying to sustain and support the communityAnd the families that live there 

[31:53 - 32:09] Ok Pretty good I think I did ok Yeah we did awesome Alright let's see Let's celebrate YeahSuch a coincidence 

[32:09 - 32:26] We got our respective goods Wait we have to We have to prove that We did everything It's not rigged We have all 5 products That's rightThe other one is really a good day 

[32:26 - 32:42] Calm down you are tearing the sheet And the other one is really The tea sheet And the good day Ok Excellent Let's count the wordsDo I actually drink this 

[32:42 - 33:10] How does it even work It can't It's like drinking the jam It tastes really good actually Not too sweet for you It's of course very densely packed Uh huhOk 

[33:10 - 33:26] We have to time for 20 So you can do it after 20 And you have to count the words Not the ones with the number Yeah count the words Count the words Ok so3 2 1 

[33:26 - 33:42] Hi this is OJ I'm happy to Introduce the green pong ganjianFrom this guo wai nong pi 

[33:42 - 33:58] Goodwill foods Nong pi Goodwill foods Goodwill foods They take out of spec Agricultural products What they do is thatThey take out of spec 

[33:58 - 34:15] Products And make extraordinary Exceptional out of spec jams And make Exceptional Out of spec jamsOut of it 

[34:15 - 34:35] Out of it Out of it Out of it As we see hereLooks a little bit 

[34:35 - 34:51] Spotted Larger Or shorter I think I got to shorter Right okOk so 

[34:51 - 35:07] 3 2 1 Hi this is OJ I'm happy to introduce the green pong ganjian From this guo wai nong pi Goodwill foods What they do is that They take out of specAgricultural products 

[35:07 - 35:23] And make And make Exceptional out of spec And as you can see here And as you can see here And as you can see here And as you can see hereAnd as you can see here 

[35:23 - 35:39] And it doesn't matter whether it looks a little And it doesn't matter whether it looks a little Whether It looks If it's spotted it's a little bit larger I think it's A little bit larger or shorterOk 

[35:39 - 35:55] That's 67 Right Oh here Did you count So fast The funny thing is I didn't doubt that he countedI didn't doubt that he did 

[35:55 - 36:12] It would be reasonable It would be reasonable Word counts Ok next So here 67 words 67 wordsOk 

[36:12 - 36:28] 3 2 1 3 2 1 This is a product from This is a product from Social enterprise Xian Wu Fang And it's made Xian Wu FangAnd it's 

[36:28 - 36:44] And it's So special about that So special about thatOn the ranch 

[36:44 - 37:00] On site Overlooking The production of milk Overlooking the production of milk And health of the cows And health of the cows And health of the cowsAnd health of the cows 

[37:00 - 37:16] And health of the cows Oh that's it Yeah that's it Hey hey hey respect 49 words 49 words Ok3 2 1 

[37:16 - 37:33] So this is a product from Social enterprise Xian Wu Fang And it's main goal is to produce Good milk Where Wait It's not a wordIt's not a word 

[37:33 - 37:49] You cannot count fillers Otherwise you just keep saying wait wait wait And then you get 200 words And then you get 200 words Ok Goal is to produce Goal is to produceGood milk 

[37:49 - 38:05] Wait What's the social enterprise What's the social enterprise They have professional animal doctors On site overlooking the production of milk And health of the cows Ok yeahSo that's 

[38:05 - 38:21] 47 words What Without the wait Without the wait Ok Next is mine It's meLet me see what I've got 

[38:21 - 38:37] Ok Ok I love soy milk I love soy milk That's a really good opening by the way So funny Tastes so goodIt's thick 

[38:37 - 38:54] Great follow up It's so thick Premier the regular soy milk Premier the regular soy milk Premier the regular soy milk On the market There's a story behind the peopleThere's a story behind the people 

[38:58 - 39:14] That's working on this project That's working on this project Because they're trying to rejuvenate Because they're trying to rejuvenate Because they're trying to rejuvenate Their community by bringing in more jobs Their community by bringing in more jobsMore jobs 

[39:14 - 39:30] Of opportunities Of opportunities And trying to sustain Sustain and support the community Sustain and support the community Sustain and support the community As inAs in 

[39:30 - 39:46] Families that live there I think you've got more words than I do I think you've got more words than I do It's four full lines It's four full lines Except you used longer words Except you used longer wordsLike opportunities, rejuvenating 

[39:46 - 40:02] Like opportunities, rejuvenating If it's complete, then that's 60 words If it's complete, then that's 60 words 60 words You see the line is longer You see the line is longer Alright, so afterAlright, so after summarizing 

[40:02 - 40:18] And having the transcript out And having the transcript out Audrey scored 67 words Audrey scored 67 words Krown scored 47 words Krown scored 47 words And I scored 60 wordsAnd I scored 60 words 

[40:18 - 40:34] I think we all did a pretty good job Except maybe Krown I think it's mostly the pause I think it's mostly the pause The long pause that you did I was like thinking what should I go for next I have the perfect thing for youYou should have worn this 

[40:34 - 40:51] This is what you should have worn So this is your reward So this is your reward OK OK 文字檔可以再傳給我嗎 文字檔可以再傳給我嗎因為它剛好就是 

[40:51 - 41:07] 好 所以這一part就這樣 那我們把這個 這個應該 應該也是可以放在我們今天 應該也是可以放在我們今天 把它喝完吧我撞不到 

[41:07 - 41:23] 我撞不到 危險危險 危險危險 這個紙不放嗎 這個紙不用放 就放在那邊就好了 好然後接下來我們就都是用中文講然後講一些星展銀行的資訊這樣子 

[41:23 - 41:39] 那我還是要小長聲 那我還是要小長聲 小長聲 這樣應該還算自然吧 可以上面要稍微往前一點 

[41:39 - 41:55] OK 這樣可以嗎 要稍微往後一點 好 好 好這樣就可以 好321 

[41:55 - 42:12] 好的 我們結束了 我覺得鬆了一口氣鬆了一口氣 好緊張天啊 每次這種比賽至少不要最後一名就好了 每次都是覺得要拉一個後面的 每次都是覺得要拉一個後面的對啊他在找我了 

[42:12 - 42:28] 但是我覺得今天聊的是 更深入的了解到 社會企業到底是什麼樣子的代表 以及他們在做產品在做商業模式的時候 以及他們在做產品在做商業模式的時候 想要造成社會上面什麼樣子的影響 特別是今天的這五家他們背後都有一個想要解決的問題 

[42:28 - 42:44] 而且是你可以每一天每一天 想像是 而且是可以回購的 它是可以延續在你生活當中 有這個消費行為 那接下來我們要講什麼嗎 就是講說你可以講說 

[42:44 - 43:00] 其實社會企業 你可以講先前的事我剛先接著講 其實社會企業很需要解決的一個 也就是大家對他們的profile 跟他們的認識 就像我們剛剛有講到那個survey 其實最後只有30%的人有聽過社會企業 

[43:00 - 43:16] 對啦 所以我就直接接著講下去 確實啊 其實我們這麼幾年來 不管是星展銀行 跟我們台經院 聯合報願景工程等等一起做的社會企業相關的一個調查 

[43:16 - 43:32] 都顯示說 其實只要認知到社會企業的人 那其實就剛剛講的75% 都非常認同 這是一件好事 而且越來越多人是覺得 如果這個真的講得出來像剛剛說他對一個特定的地方的創生 

[43:32 - 43:49] 或者說他對一個永續的循環 不但是你會購買這個產品 而且就會像滴妹一樣 碰到人就會來推銷 創業的時候也用 對 而且他們有一個很好的purpose所以才會想要去支持他們 

[43:49 - 44:05] 對啦 所以這個我們就發現說 以前在國外聽到Made in Taiwan講的是特定的產品 或特定的服務 那現在Made in Taiwan越來越多就是一種創新的模式 就是說原來獸醫師也可以這樣子去開一家牧場 等等的那這樣子的做法其實只要能夠擴散開來 

[44:05 - 44:21] 就越來越多人在創業的時候 也可以把這種社會意識 帶到他的創業理念裡面 所以我覺得這裡面是非常重要的 OK好 然後再來 這一段我們有講到然後 

[44:21 - 44:37] 接下來四個 如果說 但是這邊我想一下 好 那最後 我問一下說 我覺得你可能還是需要一張小卡因為不然星展的logo出不來 

[44:37 - 44:53] 這個很空 或者 還是那個 產品的盒子 對啊 剛才我們注意到 我們不管怎麼轉這個logo都一樣哈哈 

[44:53 - 45:09] 那不然 我知道了 那我剛剛口控講完那一段 那我問接著問 那星展銀行跟這些社會企業的關係是什麼 他是怎麼樣幫助這些社會企業的 然後他們就可以繼續往下講好嗎 

[45:09 - 45:25] 那你那時候就可以再拿出 那星展銀行跟這些社會企業 他們的關係會是什麼 對 我們可以看到說 就是這幾家其實都是星展幫忙倡議 就是去把他們的這個理念去讓更多人知道 

[45:25 - 45:42] 然後培育 那星展其實不是只是出錢而已 還出力 星展裡面的很多的高階經理人 都自己去擔任這些社會企業的業師 去告訴他們說 怎麼樣經營才能夠讓市場更了解他們的價值以及所謂的整合 

[45:42 - 45:58] 整合的意思就是說 星展自己內部的企業的活動 這些都會使用這些社會企業的產品 因為我連續好幾年有參加他們的活動 當然也很感謝他們贊助我們這邊的 社會企業高峰會等等活動 我們就會發現說真的耶他們是隨時隨地 

[45:58 - 46:14] 你走進他們的攤位 在他們的公司裡面 就會看到這些社會企業的產品跟服務 在他們日常生活當中 所以我覺得這真的是很好就是說 他讓這些社會企業也能夠改變星展的人的文化 不是只是說好像星展往外推銷 

[46:14 - 46:30] 他也往內去更加理解這些社會部門 跟環境部門這些想要做事情的人的想法 你好像不用呼吸耶 我在逗號的時候呼吸 我在逗號的時候呼吸 逗號的時候呼吸 剛剛講得好長好厲害但這樣聽起來 

[46:30 - 46:46] 星展真的是一個在設計的很大的推手 因為其實說真的 你要講一個理念 很值得敬佩 你要講社會公益 大家應該都要參與 但是講歸講真的身體運行的人都還是少數沒錯 

[46:46 - 47:03] 我想社會企業的一個特色啦 就是說他這個理念你每天稍微喝一點這個 鮮乳坊嘉明鮮乳 或者是禾乃川 或者是用這個洗盤子 或者是用這個果醬這個牙刷等等 就是說每一天每一天你在做的時候第一個你會想到說 

[47:03 - 47:19] 我正在幫助這個地方的朋友們 另外一個就是這些地方的朋友 如果有什麼新的創新有什麼新的做法 他也可以幫助你 因為這個時候你去跟你的朋友去呼朋引伴 想要去哪邊玩啊 或者是說想要去更加了解哪一個地方的時候你去那邊就不是走馬看花而已 

[47:19 - 47:35] 你就完全知道說 你要去看哪裡 你要去他的豆製所 像這個是甘樂文創 去拜訪之後我也有就是資助他們的小草書屋 然後他們就會定期寄過來一些期刊說 我們又做了什麼我們又鼓搗了多少小朋友 

[47:35 - 47:51] 然後我就覺得很有參與感 參加了一個 雖然說我做的事情很微薄 就我只是可能捐一些錢 跟買他們的產品 但是他們在身體力行做這些公益的事情 會讓我有一種我參與在裡面對 

[47:51 - 48:07] 好 應該差不多了吧 還有一個要講 台灣食物銀行聯合會 今天開箱的大部份的 是有星展基金會所贊助的社會企業獎助金 這個不在這裡社會企業獎助金 

[48:07 - 48:24] 不在我的這個裡面 那剛剛講 如果說他用字卡呈現可以嗎 就是這些 還是我們我覺得我們業配就大方業配啊 就直接對著CAM 我用講的所以你那段拿過來放我這裡 

[48:24 - 48:40] 我就直接念一遍 然後看你要怎麼縫進去 你可以放前面或後面 好 OK 我就直接講 因為這個prompt都很奇怪 非常謝謝大家看這支影片今天開箱的五個社會企業 

[48:40 - 48:56] 都是星展基金會所支持的 絕大部分都是社會企業獎助金的基金 那我今天就來講一下 五家都是社會企業獎助金的計畫的得主 那所以如果對這些想法有興趣 而且想要知道未來 星展銀行還會支持哪些社會企業的話也歡迎大家加入 

[48:56 - 49:12] 星展社會企業伸展台這個社團 除了可以一起討論社會企業 還可以獲得這五家的限時專屬優惠 不過你幫我把我們影片結尾掉了 好吧我們不用結尾了 好OK 

[49:12 - 49:28] 專業帶貨 謝謝 那今天真的謝謝Audrey 我覺得我自己的英文 有變好的感覺 謝謝 在一個強者面前被阿滴這樣講真的很榮幸 

[49:28 - 49:44] 然後有一個人就是帶著這個Temple Hat 不過這個摺得蠻不錯的 蠻漂亮的 那今天很開心可以跟Audrey一起來開箱 那大家如同剛剛Audrey幫我們結尾的 如果想要了解更多社會企業在做什麼的話 我會把這些影片我都會把相關的連結放在影片的更多資訊喔 

[49:44 - 49:50] And that's a wrap 我們就下支影片見囉 See ya 
