• 2/18-2/23格外農品日本出差暫停出貨,2/24起恢復正常!

唐鳳 阿滴 滴妹 共同開箱 星展銀行 x HowFun 不思議雜貨鋪 神秘商品👏

星展銀行 x HowFun 不思議雜貨鋪 唐鳳+阿滴、滴妹開箱

大家還記得星展銀行X How Fun 如何爽 共同聯手推出的五款超高CP值限量神秘商品嗎⁉他們分別是:
🐄 2000 頭乳牛的幸福
🎁 一個即將失傳的國寶再次復活
🌏 讓地球不再被塑膠
🐥 讓醜小鴨也能被公平對待
🏞 一座百年小鎮的永續發展

這五樣商品在 星展銀行 x HowFun 不思議雜貨鋪 上架,沒想到一上線2.5小時就全部完售了阿‼

接下來,就是敲碗等開箱了阿,首波開箱由唐鳳政委 阿滴 滴妹 共同為大家開箱介紹這五款神秘商品喔👏

#HOWHOW #唐鳳 #阿滴 #滴妹 #星展銀行 

[00:00 - 00:15] 哈囉我是阿滴 哈囉我是滴妹 今天我們受到星展銀行的邀約 要來開箱兩個禮拜前 浩哥跟星展銀行聯名推出的神秘商品 那聽說這個是跟台灣的社會企業有關喔 所以我們今天來到的是 Social Innovations Lab社會創新實驗中心 

[00:15 - 00:32] 那今天想說可以跟負責推動社會企業發展的 政務委員唐鳳 一起來開箱我們的商品 天啊 哥哥 我們要跟唐鳳拍片欸 我跟你講 我昨天緊張到一整晚睡不著覺 我認真緊張其實還有一件事情沒有跟你講 

[00:32 - 00:47] 就是我們今天除了開箱之外啊 還要做英文語速的實力PK賽 我知道啊 所以你要加油啊 不是不是不是 是我們三個都要 我們三個都要 所以 啊對了你昨天不是跟我講 只有你跟唐鳳要弄嗎 你沒有跟我set好欸這個是一個兄妹有難同當 

[00:47 - 01:03] 同進退的這個概念 不不不 那個我 對不起 我可能先回家了 Sorry 沒關係沒關係 重點是今天的計畫就是要跟唐鳳一起用英文開箱 有意義的社會企業產品 計畫開始 這個中心裡面我覺得設計非常的有趣有一個很大的中庭 

[01:03 - 01:18] 天井的感覺採光很好 沒錯 我其實之前有來過一次 喔真的喔 嗯 就是之前來開一個影片企劃會的時候 就有來這邊 所以今天是第二次 然後呢 聽說唐鳳呢也是在這邊辦公 等一下這邊就是他的辦公室 我們來看一下他正在看到他了嗎 

[01:18 - 01:34] 看到他了 很認真的感覺 好緊張喔 你好 開好了 你好 我沒有碰到誰是唐鳳 對 我們今天要來找你一起拍一個遊戲來開箱設計的一些產品 

[01:34 - 01:51] 所以平常你都是在這邊辦公嗎 對 我是走路上班走路上班 喔 那通常辦公室都會處理什麼樣的工作呢 視訊是最常在這邊的 視訊 因為這邊有一個白牆嘛 比較安全 一大早我們大概就是跟那邊周圍然後傍晚的時候會來這邊跟 

[01:51 - 02:07] 歐洲跟那邊周圍視訊 哇好酷喔 International stage 一個 time zone 哇 你看 那我們今天想要跟你邀請 一起跟我們開箱設計的產品 那我們待會先來找問天 OK好好那我們現在來到拍攝空間 

[02:07 - 02:24] 沒錯 待會就是要來開箱我們五個產品了 那我們準備好的話 我們就開始用英文了 我們今天是順便來測試一下 我們可不可以跟得上你的預期 沒關係我就來速速送 好開心喔 謝謝 Alright So before we jump into the unboxingWe want to ask first 

[02:24 - 02:39] I think a lot of the general public in Taiwan Is not too familiar with the concept of The so called social enterprise So how would you define social enterprises? Sure Social enterprise is a new kind of businessThat has at least two bottom lines 

[02:39 - 02:56] The purpose and profit are the two bottom lines And also it needs to be sustainable That is to say to protect the environment So the social, environmental and economic Triple bottom line are the definition of social enterprise So such enterprises earn a profitWhile also taking care of the environment 

[02:56 - 03:12] And also solve social problems So with what I heard just now It reminds me of a quote I saw online It goes along the line with every purchase It's shaping the world you want to live in That's exactly right But based on your descriptionIf they have so many bottom lines 

[03:12 - 03:29] Wouldn't social enterprises run into more difficulties When they are trying to be sustainable Or even trying to survive That's right And that's why it all relies As you said on the customers If we intentionally choose the brands That we engage withThen more of them will be prompted 

[03:29 - 03:47] To become more social enterprises But if we make no such choices And rely on the price alone Then of course it will create difficulties For the social entrepreneurs So it's a general awareness of the people Of the public Existing charities also are increasingIn using this impact driven saying 

[03:47 - 04:04] So that they can work with the general public Hey we've been working on donations for a very long time However we also have product and services And if you engage us with our product and services Then we can make this social purpose This environmental purpose much more amplifiedSo it's not just basing it on people's goodwill 

[04:04 - 04:20] But on an actual valid business model So creating social impact Is not just the government or some charities and so on But really in the mind of each one of us We just talked for a little bit But I really feel like this is a very easy interview Because we don't have to talk muchWe don't have to say anything 

[04:20 - 04:36] We just input, input, input and output So after our brief talk about social enterprises Let's now jump right into the five products That we will be unboxing and reviewing today In front of us are five blind boxesAnd inside each of them is one product 

[04:36 - 04:52] From one social enterprise Let's just go ahead and open one up And see what's inside The first one Oh it's a jam Let's take a little look at the intro So here it says that 10-15% of our produceIt doesn't look as good as 

[04:52 - 05:09] It doesn't look pretty Yeah it doesn't look pretty So instead of wasting that But it tastes really good The taste is not affected It's not affected by the appearance So I feel like the impact they're trying to bring about Is mainly not to waste any produce Like zero waste Yeah zero waste I think I'll pick the two dollarsThis is really light 

[05:10 - 05:27] It's a toothbrush Toothbrush Maybe like an eco-friendly toothbrush That's made of I don't know natural Yeah it says natural bamboo Bamboo That's right It's called the good day They're trying to reduce plastic waste And by using bamboo and plant-based bristlesThey are reducing the waste 

[05:27 - 05:44] From our everyday products Like every morning every night You brush your teeth And you're actually reducing plastic Yeah you feel good about yourself And going on to the third one OK pretty heavy as well Oh What's that Dish washing liquidThe package is really good 

[05:44 - 05:59] I think this is the charm of social enterprise products Because it looks and feels And maybe costs around about as much As regular products That's a great story to tell Right So this is actually extracted from tea seed oilBut what's the problem that it's trying to solve 

[05:59 - 06:15] They're trying to make sure that people who are used to this Can find apprentices Can continue their cultures And because of that It can revitalize the local economy Rather than just having it dissipate and disappear All right this one soy milkOh it's so cute 

[06:15 - 06:32] I know this brand You know this brand Yeah this is from 甘樂文創 It's a brand created by甘樂文創 I interviewed the founder two years ago If I remember correctly They're trying to revive the Sanxia communityLike the kids there need a place to stay after school 

[06:32 - 06:49] And the young people there need work So they're creating job opportunities By making quality products Are we going to drink it again I think we're good Can we Are we allowed to drink Of course why not You won't like it Because there's no sugar It's no sugar Yeah I sawLast piece is 

[06:49 - 07:06] Oh Oh I know this Pure milk Yeah it's from 鮮乳坊 My boba tea shop also uses this milk All of our milk is from 鮮乳坊 And why do you use this milk This social enterprise is special for having Professional animal doctors on their ranchesSo their cows are really taken care of 

[07:06 - 07:22] All they want is for their cows to be happy Yes that's their sole purpose To have happy cows And then to have high quality And good milk How much are they paying you to say this No no no Is it because they're your supplierNo because I know this product 

[07:22 - 07:37] So why not use the advantage And you know promote them a little bit So a lot of the work that DBS in my office has been working on Is just to making sure The social enterprise products Are not a one off thing We're trying to convince business ownersSuch as you 

[07:37 - 07:54] To integrate their supply chain With social enterprise So for the final bit We're going to go into our competition Oh my gosh What's the competition The competition is Oh you didn't know about this I have literally no idea Whatever we drawWe will have 10 seconds to prepare 

[07:54 - 08:10] And 20 seconds to speak We have to fit in as many English words Into that 20 second time frame as possible Ok let's get started Maybe you can go first Ok This one So just 3 out of 5Yeah just 3 out of 5 

[08:10 - 08:25] Who should go first Maybe Maybe Ashen Maybe Alright So this is about the out of spec 格外農品 I'm going to let you read about this For 10 secondsOk 

[08:25 - 08:42] 3 2 1 Hello this is Audrey Tong I'm happy to introduce The green punggan jam From this 格外農品 goodwill foods What they do is that They take out of spec Agricultural products And make extraordinaryExceptional out of spec jams 

[08:42 - 08:58] Out of it As you can see here In their logo It doesn't matter Whether it looks a little bit That was very fast That was a lot of words That was a lot of words Next I didn't sign up for this No I didn't You didn't too OhThe thing 

[08:58 - 09:14] Hey My favorite Your thing It's your thing Ok wait wait wait Ok 3 2 1 Ok so this is a product From the social enterprise Shen Ru Fang And it's main goalIs to produce good milk 

[09:15 - 09:31] Er Wait What's so special about them Is that they have Professional animal doctors on site Overlooking the production of milk And the health of the cows No No You had a really big pause in betweenOk 

[09:31 - 09:50] Oh no Next Soy milk soy milk Oh soy milk What It's exactly what we had today That's crazy Jam for Audrey This is not set up at all We did not set it up We did not set it up Just like Yi Fang Quan This is heavily in character3 2 1 

[09:50 - 10:06] Alright I love soy milk This soy milk tastes so good It's thicker and creamier Than regular soy milk on the market And there's a story behind the people That's working on this project Because they're trying to Rejuvenate their communityBy bringing in more job opportunities 

[10:06 - 10:23] And trying to sustain And support the community And the families that live there I think I did ok We have to prove that We did everything fair It's not rigged It's not rigged We have all 5 products here Alright see After summarizingAnd having the transcript out 

[10:23 - 10:39] Audrey scored 67 words Kraum scored 47 words And I scored 60 words Yeah Alright I think we all did a pretty good job Except maybe Kraum ThanksI have the perfect thing for you 

[10:39 - 10:55] You should have worn this And then sleep on it Yeah 我們結束了 We won the free prize 我覺得鬆了一口氣 鬆了一口氣 每次這種比賽 就至少不要最後一名就好 對啊 他每次都是覺得 要拉一個後面的墊底的人所以他才找我 

[10:55 - 11:12] 我覺得今天聊的是 更深入的了解到 社會企業到底是什麼樣子的代表 特別是今天的這5家 他們背後都有一個 想要解決的問題 對 確實啊 其實我們這麼幾年來 一起做的社會企業相關的調查 都顯示說其實只要認知到社會企業的人 

[11:12 - 11:30] 75%都非常認同 這是一件好事 不但是你會購買這個產品 而且就會像滴妹一樣 碰到人就會來推銷 沒錯沒錯 那星展銀行跟這些社會企業 他們的關係會是什麼 我們可以看到說這幾家其實都是星展幫忙倡議 

[11:30 - 11:46] 然後培育 就是去確保說 他在營運的過程裡面 需要一些輔導等等 所以星展其實不是只是出錢而已 還出力 以及所謂的整合 整合的意思就是說 星展自己內部的企業的活動啊 這些都會使用這些社會企業的產品不是只是說 

[11:46 - 12:04] 好像星展往外推銷 他也要往內去更加理解 這些社會部門 你好像不用呼吸耶 你怎麼這麼講話 全集中呼吸 多好的時候歡喜 今天開箱的5個社會企業 都是星展基金會所支持的 那絕大部分呢都是社會企業獎助金的計畫的得主 

[12:04 - 12:20] 那所以如果對這些想法有興趣 而且想要知道 未來星展銀行還會支持哪些社會企業的話 也歡迎大家加入 星展社會企業伸展台這個社團 除了可以一起討論社會企業 還可以獲得這5家的限時專屬優惠你幫我把我們的影片結尾掉了 

[12:21 - 12:37] 那今天真的謝謝 Audrey 謝謝 謝謝 Audrey 我覺得我自己的英文有變好的感覺 在一個強者面前 遇強則強 如果想要了解更多 社會企業在做什麼的話 我都會把相關的連結 放在影片的更多資訊喔And that's a wrap 

[12:37 - 13:03] 我們就下支影片見囉See ya 
