• 2/18-2/23格外農品日本出差暫停出貨,2/24起恢復正常!




Q1. 為什麼你們的果茶醬適合沖泡?

《格外農品GoodWill Foods》打破果醬必須加膠的傳統思維,善用水果自然特色,透過配方與製程的調整即可讓水果自行釋放果膠,生產「不加膠」的果醬,不僅可塗抹於麵包,也更容易溶於水,因此命名為「果茶醬」。

Q2. 一瓶果茶醬可以泡幾杯水果茶?


Q3. 果茶醬的保存期限有多久?要如何保存?

《格外農品GoodWill Foods》 果茶醬全製成符合食品安全規範,品質衛生無虞,加上糖是天然的防腐劑,檸檬汁則可以調整pH值,果茶醬製作後再經過後殺菌處理,因此可在原料單純的情況下(水果、砂糖、檸檬汁)未開瓶前可常溫存放一年,一旦開瓶後就需冷藏盡快食用完畢,建議買回家之後就可以先冷藏,保存環境較佳同時也可以提升口感。

Q4. 果茶醬有人工添加物嗎?

《格外農品GoodWill Foods》 果茶醬成份只有水果、砂糖、檸檬汁,不添加膠類物質、防腐劑、色素等人工添加物。

Q5. 原料都有經過檢驗嗎?


Q6. 果茶醬有哪幾種吃法?

《格外農品GoodWill Foods》 果茶醬由於不添加膠,十分適合入茶,不管是冷熱飲享用都相當適合,另外我們也開發許多果茶醬食譜,讓果茶醬就像常用的調味醬,變化出許多料理,您可參考格外食譜

Q7. 為什麼原料要選用砂糖而不用冰糖或白糖?


但是《格外農品GoodWill Foods》 發現,砂糖中存在的雜質其實正是現代人飲食中所缺乏的礦物質;而冰糖與白糖讓人感覺口味較不甜膩,則可能因此讓人失去警覺,反而攝取過多的糖份,因此選擇砂糖成為我們的果茶醬原料。



Q8. 為什麼果茶醬的黏稠度不像傳統果醬那麼稠?

《格外農品GoodWill Foods》 的作法不同於傳統果醬,不額外添加膠,稠度完全來自水果本身釋放的果膠,不會像傳統果醬有固體凝膠產生,更容易為人體吸收。


Q1. 麥汁的水果來源?


Q2. 果汁的農藥殘留?


Q3. 為什麼沒有酒精?


Q4. 為什麼不用台灣小麥?


Q5. 喝了會不會發奶?

其實麥汁對於孕婦分泌乳量的影響一直眾說紛紜,但也沒有正式的科學佐證,因此我們也無法保證有此功效,對我們而言,好喝比較重要 :)

Q6. 小孩可以喝麥汁嗎?


Q7. 水果原汁和濃縮汁有什麼差別?


Q8. 有沒有其他口味?



Q1. 購物需要加會員嗎?加了會員有什麼好處?


Q2. 有什麼付款方式?可超商取貨嗎?

於結帳頁面時,您有「銀行轉帳&台灣Pay」、LINE PAY、全支付和「信用卡/線上ATM/超商條碼、代碼繳費」四種選項。若選擇「銀行轉帳&台灣Pay」,請留下您欲轉帳的帳戶末五碼(台灣Pay為行動卡號後4碼)以便我們核對金額;若您欲線上刷卡、取得銀行ATM繳款帳號或持代碼至超商付款,請按下「信用卡/線上ATM/超商條碼、代碼繳費」的按鈕進行選擇。我們的商品可以至超商取貨,您可以選擇您方便的便利商店就近取貨。

Q3. 請問運費怎麼計算?

《格外農品GoodWill Foods》 官網訂購常溫商品,國內寄送享滿999元免運之優惠,未滿999元,若為超商到店取貨代收70元運費,宅配到府則每箱代收100元之運費。

Q4. 出貨時間大概多久?


Q5. 在官網消費會開發票嗎?如果要公司報帳可以開抬頭統一編號嗎?


Q6. 如果拿到產品後想退換貨該如何處理?

《格外農品GoodWill Foods》  根據消費者保護法制定退換貨政策,詳情請按此


Q1. 什麼是「格外品」?

「格外品」,意指市場規格之外但品質無虞的農產品。而《格外農品GoodWill Foods》 使用的格外品一定是有價、安全、並以最適利用的方式處理,我們根據產地訪視累積的經驗,將之分為「規格不符」、「賣相不佳」、「時間不對」等三種類型,更詳細的說明您可按此了解

Q2. 你們幫助的是小農嗎?

首先,《格外農品GoodWill Foods》 希望提升「格外品」的最適利用率,而非針對人。再者,根據我們訪視許多農民的經驗,發現種植面積較大的大農、或者由農民組合的合作社,通常會有以下優勢:有安全用藥的觀念(取得產銷履歷驗證以上)、田間管理佳、格外品產量足夠、分級制度嚴謹等,對食品加工業者而言,原料端的供應量與品質穩定是十分重要的,因此我們傾向與大農或合作社採購,同時,我們亦不使用「幫助小農」四個字,我們相信,農業是高度專業的職業,從專業分工的概念出發,原料由農民供應,我們專注處理後端加工與銷售,才能提供對消費者負責任的產品。


※延伸閱讀:小農vs.大農 台灣農業的未來?

Q3. 為什麼有些品項的果茶醬沒有生產?

《格外農品GoodWill Foods》 以善用台灣格外品水果為創立初衷,因此不使用進口水果,同時考量環境因素,盡量避免高海拔及高度用藥之作物,維護消費者與環境的健康。        

Q1. Why is the jam of Goodwill Foods suitable for brewing in water?

On the market, plenty of jam makers claim their products can be spread or mixed with water. But, if pectin - either fruit pectin or chemical one - has been added, the jam will not dissolve in water easily. Since water and pectin will stay in the condition of separation. It is difficult for them to mix into a drink. However, the jam of Goodwill Foods does not contain any pectin. If you brew in proper proportion, each kind of fruit will release natural fruit pectin, which can be easily mixed with water and absorbed by human bodies.

Q2. How long does the jam last? How should we preserve the jam?

The jam of Goodwill Foods is made in the processing factory which conforms to international sanitary standard. In addition, sugar is a natural preservative. So, the unopened jam can be stored at room temperature for one year. However, you should finish the jam as soon as possible and keep it refrigerated once you’ve opened it. The suggestion is to put the jam in a fridge after buying it. The better preservation environment can also enhance the mouthfeel of the jam.

Q3. Does the jam contain any artificial additives?

The ingredients of the jam are only fruits, extra light sugar, and lemon juice and free of any pectin, preservatives, or coloring agents.

Q4. Have all the ingredients been tested?

All the ingredients we use have been under strict control. The fruit must get the certification of TAP(Traceability Agricultural Product) or GAP(Good Agriculture Practice). In addition, our staff visit the farm in person to evaluate the biological indicator, water sources, and high-pollution sources before deciding to cooperate with the farmer. The extra light sugar and lemon juice passes the test of agricultural chemical residue. Finally, the made-up jam will be regularly sent to the laboratory to ensure the total plate count meets the standard.

Q5. How many ways can the jam be eaten?

Since the jam of Goodwill Foods doesn’t contain any chemical pectin, they are highly suitable for putting into cold or hot tea and being served with bread. Additionally, it can also be made into many meals. You can click here to see more recipes.

Q6. Why do you choose extra light sugar instead of rock sugar or white sugar?

Rock sugar and white sugar are refined sugar, which contains few impurities, so they won’t produce variables during processing. In the meantime, rock sugar and white sugar taste less cloying. Thus, many jam makers choose rock sugar and white sugar to be their ingredients; however, the impurities which extra light sugar contains are actually the minerals which modern people lack in the diet. Moreover, rock sugar and white sugar taste less cloying and people might take in too much sugar without vigilance. Taking the above reasons, we chooses the extra light to be the one of ingredients in jam.

Q7. Why is your jam not as sticky as traditional jam?

Because the cookery of Goodwill jam is different from the traditional one. The jam of Goodwill Foods has no extra pectin added. The viscosity totally comes from the fruit, and it will not produce the solid gel as other traditional jam. And our jam can be easily absorbed by human bodies.

Q8. Why are some kinds of jam not produced?

We regard making the best of Taiwanese off-grade fruits as our original goal of establishing Goodwill Foods. Thus, we do not use imported fruits. Moreover, because of taking environmental factors into consideration, we avoid using the high-altitude agricultural produce and the ones with much pesticide in order to protect customers’ health and the environment.

Q9. How much do you charge for the shipment? What should I do if I want to return or exchange the jam after receiving it?

If you order the jam on the official website of Goodwill Foods, an order valued over NT$999 is free of charge for domestic delivering. Shipment of each box charges NT$100 when order values under NT$999. In accordance with the Consumer Protection Act, we have made a policy for returning and exchanging products. Click here for details.
